Litig - Legal IT Innovators Group

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Litig (the Legal IT Innovators Group) celebrates its 20th Birthday this summer.

We will be celebrating this milestone with a Litig Anniversary Event at Coombe Abby, the venue of our first meeting which promises to be a great day and evening.

We are happy to announce that we have Jason Bradbury (of Gadget Show fame) who will be presenting on the future of Technology, Dan Kayne, founder of the O Shaped Lawyer who will be hosting an interactive session and Combined Knowledge with a session on Microsoft’s 365 the Journey so far. With lots of other great content for the day and evening entertainment, it promises to be a great celebration.

Litig, is a non-profit organisation specifically designed to support senior professionals involved directly in all aspects of the implementation, use and support of Legal IT systems. With lots of other content planned it promised to be a great celebration of Litig.

Litig’s purpose is the driving of innovation, knowledge sharing, and collaboration for the good of our member organisations and the legal industry as a whole.

We started life as a group of around 20 or so people involved in Legal IT collaborating to advance the market in a non- competitive way. We were innovating before innovation became a thing.  We have evolved into a dynamic and collegiate group of around 90 members representing around 90000 users and £20bn turnover. 

Some of our members have stated repeatedly that this is one of the most valuable events they attend and is a hugely cohesive and supportive group.

To learn more about Litig click here. For details of our Litig meetings click here and for our recent Litig Thursdays sessions click here. To join click here